If You See One Of These Moss Balls, The U.S. Government Needs You To Destroy It

At first glance, these moss balls look harmless – even pretty. But don’t be fooled. If you get your hands on one of them, know that the United States government needs you to destroy it straight away. And not obeying this order could bring dire consequences. We’re not exaggerating!

If you’re wondering where these deceptive green menaces are lurking, look no further than your neighborhood pet store. Unsuspecting customers buy them to help spruce up their fish tanks. But while it seems like a harmless way to give your aquatic friends a natural environment, it's anything but.

Instead of opting for a mini-castle or posing diver, some fish owners prefer to use vegetation. And we can understand why. It’s more natural-looking than a piece of plastic, for sure. As for the moss balls, folks have often put them in their tanks for a good reason.

You see, moss balls and other aquatic mosses have the ability to upgrade the condition of water in a tank. They soak up nutrients and nitrates while increasing oxygenation – helping the fish breathe more easily. Pretty cool, right? They’re not just decorative features, then.

And the benefits don’t end there. Moss balls are perfect for breeding tanks as well. Think about it. When your fish lays its eggs in the tank, the unhatched offspring will eventually land in the vegetation. The ball acts as a sort of fishy neonatal unit, if you like.