The Biggest Tattoo Trends of 2024

Despite the decision to get a tattoo being a permanent one, you’d be surprised at how often body-ink trends change. They’re constantly evolving, and unless you’ve run out of skin to decorate, there’s always space for one more! So while you’re ruminating on what art to paint your body canvas with, why not consider some of the biggest trends in 2024 and see if any of them appeal? 

No pain, no gain

For people who don’t have tattoos, let’s just address the elephant in the room: why go through all the pain? Well, for many body art aficionados, it’s because of the design’s significance.

It should come as no surprise, then, that one of the most popular body art trends of 2024 was highly personal ink. When something or someone means a lot to you then no pain, no gain, right? 

Tribute to mom

Take Madonna, for instance, who shared an Instagram video of her own tattoo in 2022. Hers is a text design of the French word maman, which translates to English as “mother.” 

Her mother, Madonna Louis Ciccone, passed away back in 1953 and the tat is a tribute to her. The music legend also employed symbolism by choosing red ink, to represent the blood of childbirth. 

Pet project

People aren’t the only ones we commemorate, though. Pets are members of our family too, and they’re a popular subject for body art, as New York tattoo artist Ana Guzman knows. 

In 2023 she told Allure magazine, “Most people are obsessed with their pets, and are willing to get their portraits tattooed so that they’re always able to have their fur baby with them.”

Gotta have faith

Former soccer player and global icon David Beckham has one of the most famous examples of highly personal body art. In his case it represents the ever-popular topic of life experience.

Beckham’s got a winged cross inked in a gothic design on the back of his neck, which symbolizes his faith: Christianity. It’s a very important aspect of his life immortalized on his flesh.